Current Projects
- Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment [Unisha Ghimire, Yogesh Bhattarai, Sunil Duwal]
- Flood depth prediction using hydraulic modeling and machine learning[Sunil Duwal, Yogesh Bhattarai]
Journal Articles
- Mangkhaseum, S., Bhattarai, Y., Duwal, S., & Hanazawa, A. (2024). Flood susceptibility mapping leveraging open-source remote-sensing data and machine learning approaches in Nam Ngum River Basin (NNRB), Lao PDR. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 15(1).
- Bhattarai, Y., Duwal, S., Sharma, S., Talchabhadel, R. (2024). Leveraging machine learning and open-source spatial datasets to enhance flood susceptibility mapping in transboundary river basin. International Journal of Digital Earth, 17(1). doi:10.1080/17538947.2024.2313857
- Gwachha, R., Malla, T. B., Bhattarai, Y., Gautam, R. (2023). Distribution Network Reconfiguration Using Genetic Algorithm for Loss Reduction: A Case Study of Katunje Feeder, Bhaktapur. Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(1), 39–47.
- Duwal, S., Bhattarai, Y., Milapati, R., Talchabhadel, R.(2023). Charting the Course to Resilience: Hydrodynamic Modeling for Socio-economic Insights for Flood Risk Management in Nepal’s Ungauged Roshi River Catchment. Journal of Hydrologist and Metereologists, Nepal (SOHAM)
Conference Articles
- Bhattarai, Y., Duwal, S. (2023). Application of machine learning in the management of flood hazard in transboundary river. 9th International Conference on Water and Flood Management-ICWFM. Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Duwal,S., Lieu,D., Pradhan, P.,Bhattarai, Y.. (2023). Machine learning for flood susceptibility mapping and assessment of associated risk to the population and building in Karnali River Basin. International Conference on Technologies for Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communications
- Bhattarai, Y.,Dahal, K., Bala, R.,Khadka, S. (2019). Spatial Accessibility of Airports in Nepal: A Geospatial Approach. International Conference on Engineering and Technology.
Conference Abstracts
- Sharma, S., Bhattarai, Y., Talchabhadel, R. (2024). Advancing Urban Flood Predictions Using Weather Ensemble, Machine Learning and Uncertainty Quantification. American Meteorological Society (AMS), Baltimore, Jan 28 - Feb 1, 2024
- Bhattarai, Y., Bista, S., Talchabhadel, R., Duwal, S., Ghimire, G.R, Siddique, R., Sharma, S. (2023). Understanding infrastructure resilience to urban flooding using machine learning. In AGU2023
- Bhattarai, Y., Duwal, S., Talchabhadel, R., Sharma, S. (2023). Flood Susceptibility Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification using Machine Learning. In AGU2023.
- Bista, S., Talchabhadel, R., Bhattarai, Y., Sharma, S., Amini, F.: Projecting flood inundation in the Lower Mississippi River, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec 11-15, 2023
- Gnyawali, K. R., Tannant, D. D., Bhattarai, Y., Jayana, R., Talchabhadel, R. (2021, April). Spatial and temporal dynamics of monsoon-induced landslides in Nepal in 2020. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU21-14000)
Invited talks/Seminars
- Bhattarai, Y.Introduction to Google Earth Engine. Lecture presented at Department of Geography, Patan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University
- Bhattarai, Y. (Moderator). Chocolate Talk on DRR #12: Humanitarian Aid in Disasters. Discussion conducted for U-INSPIRE Alliance.